Thursday, October 8, 2015

My New Logo

This logo represents determination a passion with the red royal level quality with the purple and the square spells JD for my first to initials and my childhood nickname.The square also represents consistency so that when looking at it you know that the work is the best it can be coming from me.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Typography has a meaning within everything anywhere there is type there is a meaning. It could just be right there in the words or you may have to read between the lines to get the meaning with every font having a different meaning. My personal font is courier because i'm rational, understanding, progressive, and disciplined.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Color Theory

Color is used by producers to sell there product because of what colors represent. For example lotion bottles might use blue to represent purity or green to show natural ingredients. The NIVA brand uses both colors and on their bottle it states that it is pure and natural. This relates to graphic design by using color psychology to attract people to the product.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

What is Graphic Design?

What is Graphic Design to me? Honestly to me graphic design is nothing more than a form of art that I've can't make any personal connections to it because I have never done anything with it myself. Yet what I do know is that it is in everything and is used everywhere to create a memorable moment. So what I guess I'm trying to say is that until yesterday I haven't even noticed how much graphic design impacts our lives.